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Wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye

523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA

BrandsOur brands


Domestic and Residential

All our products guarantee cutting-edge performance in every application context in the field of water utilities.


We provide solutions for every type of industrial installation always guaranteeing maximum reliability and efficiency.

Agribusiness and gardening

We provide all our products to meet all your agricultural needs.

1947-2023SPERONI S.p.A., over seventy years of history

A history of continuous investment in research, technological innovations and human resources has led SPERONI S.p.A. to become a benchmark company in the production of electric pumps today.

Founded by Giuseppe Speroni in Castelnovo di Sotto, this company took advantage of the opportunity for growth in the post-war period, realising the importance of mechanical applications for the agricultural world.

since 1947

The company today

On the threshold of the third millennium, SPERONI S.p.A. can count on:

– over 250 employees.
– a state-of-the-art plant covering some 60,000 square metres.
– a production capacity of more than 8000 items per day.
– a presence of its brands in more than 120 countries worldwide.
– a total turnover of more than EUR 85 million per year.

water…is life

The philosophy of SPERONI S.p.A.

We are committed to providing excellent products that meet our customers’ needs and exceed their expectations in order to contribute to their success.