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523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA

Category: News

SWIMM 2025-1


Self-priming Jet electric pumps guarantee excellent hydraulic performance and high flow capacity. Able to pump up to mt. 8 depth and work perfectly even in gas mixed water. Suitable for lifting and distribution in swimming pool purification systems.

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Submersible drainage pumps. Typically used in drainage and civil engineering, they offer high quality and efficiency. The top outlet allows better cooling of the motor, the double mechanical seal made of silicon carbide in an oil bath offers durability guarantees.

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Copertina SBM


Our new SBM series is designed for emptying flooded rooms or tanks, draining clean or slightly soiled wastewater. The hydraulic part with NBR protection provides greater corrosion resistance. The small outside diameter allows it to be used in an 8’ well.

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The lifting station consists of a PE tank with a pumping system inside, complete with delivery piping, with the function of collecting and delivering rainwater or wastewater to a higher level. It is generally used downstream of domestic drains.

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